Healing Touch for Animals

Healing Touch for Animals is an Energy Field Therapy that supports the body's ability to heal itself.

Sessions can be done in person or distance.  Healing Touch for Animals is an Energy Field Therapy that supports the body’s ability to self heal.  It can help clear and balance the energy system. It is a light touch on or near the body or can be done via distance too. The session often includes the use of Essential Oils.  It is a cooperative treatment to work along with traditional and holistic Veterinary Care. It can be used on all species of animals. Assists with accidents, injuries, pain control, trauma, anxiety, stress reduction, grief, hospice and end of life.  It can also be very powerful to help work with competition performance and training focus. As well as being helpful in supporting energetic Behavior Modification. It can also help provide overall well-being, disease prevention, and improve the immune system.  

"Oh my goodness!! Kate, I just listened to your class and as always I am in love and in awe of the information you provide. I am so grateful for you and your heart! Thank you!!!"

Rita Cyncar

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